Monday, May 23, 2022

Sunday Soul Scream 2022

Hoo doggie, my eyes almost melted out of my skull while working on this one..this started out as 2 people dancing on the roof to this full blown party you see before you. Jonathan Toubin is bringing the Sunday Soul Scream back to Our Wicked Lady for summer 2022 and we really wanted to remind people about the late dancing that goes down on the roof every Sunday night so we dug through close to 50 photos from past parties and I cherry picked my favorite poses to sell this baby. Who knows, if you've ever been to a Soul Scream, YOU may be tucked in there somewhere. On a side note: I'm realizing more and more that I really like to personify the sun and moon in my illustrations and even create a narrative between the two. Sometimes they are bitter rivals but this time around things seem ok between them. 

The party kicks off this Memorial Day weekend and continues every Summer Sunday up to Labor Day. Be sure to check in with Our Wicked Lady and the Sunday Soul Scream instagram accounts for updates on the weekly rotating cast of bands and surprise guest dj's. Details and process pics below.


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