Thursday, December 16, 2021


Here we go, folks! The NYNT 14th Annual New Years Ball is upon us! If you're dreaming of spending your New Years with Jonathan Toubin and co. at your favorite neighborhood bar TV EYE, I'd strongly suggest you get those tickets asap. This baby will 100% undoubtedly sell out!

Now, for some insight into my poster. After Jonathan gave me some initial direction, and I got over drawing old man faces on the baby (scroll down for another chapter in the historical struggle artists face when trying to render a baby's face) I really tried to draw something that echoed the iconic Saturday Evening Post illustrations by JC Leyendecker and Norman Rockwell...but with leather. It felt good to be working on a poster for New Years again because after that one for 2020....well, ya know.

Old man #1

Old man #2

Now it's a baby.

after getting so wrapped up in the face I completely neglected the weird arm that was forming around the champagne bottle. Very happy this one didn't slip by me. It would have haunted me.

This one felt better.