Monday, September 25, 2023

Haunted Hop 2023

I wrote and illustrated the great Halloween novel of 2023 a few weeks ago and my hand is finally regaining feeling in it. The Haunted Hop is returning to Knockdown Center on October 31st with a heavy duty line-up of headliners (Kembra Pfahler of The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black featured on the poster) and more cover band action than you've seen before. Get those tickets asap because this baby is gonna pack out.

Process pics below.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Tav Falco Show Poster

New one for the Tav Falco & Panther Burns show/Soul Clap & Dance-Off at TV EYE on September 29th. Enjoyed the simplicity of the color scheme, which gave me some time to play around with the hair detail and attempt to give Tav Falco's face the appearance of actually looking fleshy. I've really been enjoying keeping the central figures on the Soul Clap posters in black & white lately. I've been doing the gig for close to 10 years and I still feel like I'm keeping it fun and new for me, even after 60+ posters at this point.