Saturday, January 25, 2020

"Character and Narrative" the Final Four

"Slave to the Booty B.C."
16 X 20"

16 X 20"

"For the Gram"
16 x 20"

16 x 20"

These are the final 4 pieces I made for "Character and Narrative" the group show that Travis Winters, Tom Sarmo, John Van Horn and myself participated in at the Foothills Art Center back in August of 2019. Just getting 3 of the 4 scanned in now due to the tight schedule I was under with wrapping them up; They're slightly larger than I usually work and I had 5 days to complete them before they had to be framed. I've included a couple process pics but due to the 15 hour days huddled over my table, racing against the clock, I don't have much exciting details to show. Nothing like a deadline to get you motivated. 

I think there's a narrative running through all these pieces. I wanted them to create this timeline dealing with our history of vanity, misinterpretation of text and images, instant gratification, and the banal things we do either out of lack of thought, need to be liked or desired, or fear of being out of the loop and how modern life has amplified a lot of these insecurities.

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