Sunday, June 14, 2020

I WANT TO BELIEVE Farewell Lorimer St. t-shirt

Gimme! Coffee on Lorimer St. holds a special place in my life, and like so many of its customers that stopped in every day, numerous times a day, I've felt the massive weight of its sudden absence like a collapsing star in my heart. Soo, I went and got some t-shirts made for everyone.

This is a second run, and a slightly updated version, of a collab between myself and Williamsburg's favorite coffee shop. This new X-Files inspired tee has a bonus message across the back to honor Lorimer St. passing into the great beyond that includes the years it reigned over all from 2003-2020, and our crew's favorite constructive critique: "Only disgusting people drink coffee here."

After the incredible outpouring of generosity from the barista relief fund I've decided to take all the profits from the shirt sales and distribute them to North Star Fund, NAACP, OKRA Project, Feeding America, and the Rwanda Landslide Relief Fund which will help coffee farmers impacted from the recent mudslides and flooding.

PRE-SALE HAS ENDED!!!! Thank you to everyone who placed an order. Info on shipping to follow.

The original shirt and a-frame from years back are pictured below for nostalgia sake.

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