Corner Deli. Greenpoint, NY. (6/15)
4 x 6"
"Bloody hell. I'm sweating in here. Roasting. Boiling. Baking. Sweltering. It's like a sauna. Furnace. You can fry an egg on my stomach. Oh, who wouldn't lap this up? It's ridiculous. Tremendous. Fantastic. Fan-tabby-dozy-tastic." (7/15)
4 x 7"
Wainwright Softball Complex. Corning, NY (8/15)
4 x 6"
"I just wanted to leave, you know, my apartment. Maybe meet a nice girl. And now I've got to die for it!" (9/15)
4 x 7"
Pow Wow Trading Post. Holbrook, AZ. (10/15)
4 x 6"