Monday, April 20, 2020

Fundraiser Time

I'm having a little fundraiser on my website. While we wait out this COVID-19 crisis, I am taking some of my old paper scraps and doing little portraits on them. Back when I finished up my senior thesis projects I had about 10 days between finals and graduation and looking back on it, I probably should have just bummed around town but I went from working like a dog to being completely free to do whatever I wanted for 10 whole days and it was a tough adjustment. I spent some of my time taking all the old scrap paper from the year and experimenting with colors and my ability to record information with ink straight to paper. Now that I am finding myself in a similar situation due to lack of any work coming in, I'm returning to old ways to keep myself from falling out of practice.

I'm selling this first little batch of heads on my website. Each one comes with some extra gifts as well. They are all listed on my website right here -> STORE and I will probably be adding to it as time goes on. These purchases will help me keep the studio lights on as we continue to wait this storm out. 

One thing I want to add: When you click to purchase the item you want, your purchase will be secured but it will not be shipping immediately. Being in NYC, and at the center of this crisis, I want to be as safe and responsible about this as possible. So, as not to put anyone at risk and put any more strain on the mail carriers, all items will ship out as soon as it appears safe enough to do. Thank you for your support and understanding.

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