Saturday, May 2, 2020

American Illustration 39 Chosen

Happy to report that a few illustrations I made in 2019 have been chosen by the judges of American Illustration 39 to appear in this years online archive. Amidst all the craziness of the last couple months in NYC I felt guilty for not jumping for joy, which I usually do when AI emails me that my work has been accepted, but it does really mean a lot to have my work acknowledged by the judges and I'm very honored to be included in this year's batch of winners. So, I would like to say Thank You to all the judges this year. This news did brighten my week. 

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe out there. Looking at the 3 pieces that were chosen makes me look forward to the days when we can go see live music together again, dance at Jonathan Toubin's parties and sit together in open spaces next to all our friends without having to wear masks. 

That rocket ship should have been a loaf of sourdough. If anyone is running out of space in their kitchen and needs to unload some bread they've been baking, hit me up. I will gladly be a taste tester for all your sourdough tests.

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