Wednesday, September 30, 2020

GEM SPA x Left Field NYC

I whipped up this drawing of an egg cream soda (and drank a few still life references) for a t-shirt collaboration between the iconic East Village spot GEM SPA and menswear brand LEFT FIELD. Originally the plan was to use the sales of the shirt to help Gem Spa keep their lights on and get through the pandemic until they could reopen but, unfortunately with no business coming in and still having to pay East Village rent, they had to close the store for good. 

It was then decided that Left Field would take their share of the proceeds from the t-shirt sales and donate it to LESPI - a non-profit that seeks to preserve the historic streetscapes and buildings of Manhattan's East Village, Lower East Side, Chinatown, Little Italy and the Bowery. 

This is a very small run of shirts so if you wanna get one, you best git to it ASAP! All shirts are made and in printed in the USA. Click either of the links and let the purchasing begin - LEFT FIELD NYC -  GEM SPA


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